Donnerstag, 19. November 2015

"LIGHT" an exhibition of works on paper and micro light objects by Ruairí O'Brien

A big thank you to all who made it to the opening of my "LIGHT" exhibition of "works on paper" and "micro LIGHT objects" last Saturday night in Chemnitz. In the photo posted, you can see a selection from the "Dark Sky" series I recently completed during my time on the lovely Greek island of Kea for the "Rethink the Night" workshop. Kea is famous among astronomers and lighting experts for the "starry skyscape" one can enjoy due to the extreme lack of light pollution. The exhibition is running until the 07.01.2016. Gallery OBEN - Kathrin Lahl, Chemnitz, Germany.

Exhibition LIGHT - LICHT - Ruairí O'Brien - Gallery OBEN - Chemnitz - Germany

Last saturday night, “LIGHT”, an exhibition of my “works on paper and light objects” opened in the Gallery OBEN, Chemnitz, Germany. The paintings of “light and darkness”, the installations, the urban light sculptures/ street lighting and public buildings are not part of the exhibition.
However, in the drawings one can see where the large-scale public works, such as the lighting of the market square in Freiberg, the "Hologram façade" in Jena or the war memorial in Zeithain, have been inspired or indeed tested in the “mind beforehand”.

Freitag, 6. November 2015

Art Exhibition - Gallery Oben - RUAIRÍ O´BRIEN – LIGHT



Arbeiten auf Papier, Objekte und Lichtkunst

Eröffnung: 14.11.15, 18:30 Uhr | 14.11. - 07.01.2016

AUSSTELLUNG | Die Ausstellung zeigt Arbeiten auf Papier, Objekte und Lichtkunst des irischen Künstlers und Architekten Ruairí O´Brien. Nach einem einführenden Gespräch mit dem Künstler werden wir bei einem Glas Wein durch die Ausstellung geführt.

Galerie Oben Kathrin Lahl
Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst
Heinrich-Beck-Straße 35
09112 Chemnitz

Gallery for Contemporary Art
Ausstellung innerhalb UNESCO International Year of Light

Dienstag, 3. November 2015

Bardinale Africa - Exhibition of watercolours on Light and Darkness by Ruairí O'Brien

Exhibition of fragile watercolours by Ruairí O'Brien on "Light and Darkness" opened on 29.10. in Dresden, Germany as part of the international literature festival "Bardinale Africa".
The exhibition was opened under candle light conditions.
It will be running untill end of December 2015.
Literature house Dresden, Villa Augustin, Dresden.


Montag, 7. September 2015

ORNO Art festival Dresden - Garnison Church Lighting - Ruairí O'Brien

Here a shot of the lighting scenes I created for the opening night of the ORNÖ art festival in Dresden. The catholic Garison Church in the Neustadt was the site used for the kick off events, dance and sound performances. It was a great architectural object to work with, surrounded by enough wonderful darkness to make a low budget stretch a long way.
My thanks to the festival organization for inviting me to take part. 

Mittwoch, 26. August 2015

Cities, art and light - Lecture from Ruairí O'Brien at the Hansa Lighting conference 2015

In my talk given to the HANSE Light Conference in June of this year, I emphasized the importance of looking at the works of artists when thinking about the importance of light in the city. Artists are obviously great observers of light and in such they capture light and shadow in their own unique way. There are great examples, Hopper being one of my favorites. I always include Hopper in my talks with students of lighting design and architecture wherever possible. I plead for them to go into the museums and galleries and search out their own “light” paintings. When contemplating light at night, and how one should light our cities, I always suggest that students first take a stroll during the day and see what the sun does to the buildings and the spaces between. One should observe carefully how the architects have designed the buildings, the squares and streets to interact with the sun to create the shadows that give form to space. Following intensive daylight observations it is easier for designers to use the forms and materials once recognised to create an appropriate light and shadow concept for the nightscape.