Montag, 8. April 2013

Ruairí O'Brien's Travelling Micromuseum Exhibition for Erich Kästner in OMSK, Sibiria, Russia

What a great experience, a week in Russia. I am delighted that the TME, (Traveling Micromuseum exhibition) I created for Erich Kästner was invited to Omsk, Sibiria as part of the Germany/Russia year celebrations.
The exhibition can be seen in the famous city library in the city Centre. The people of the library were very helpful during the installation. During the week I also gave a lecture about my work at the city design school and a workshop. I was also asked to be a member of the jury for their annual fashion show.
In between all this hard work I managed to visit the Dostojewski Museum. A must for anyone visiting Omsk.
The Erich Kästner exhibition opening went very well, with lots of young enthusiastic people turning up. It was very inspiring for me to see so many happy and interested faces.

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